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  1. Go to the path .../<Adeptia_Install_Folder>/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/Solutions/EDI/EdiTransactionXMLs.
  2. Create the EDI transaction set xml file using the name given in the below format:

    EDI_TS_" + <transaction type> + ".xml.


    <transaction type> is the type of EDI file. For example, EDI_TS_810.xml.
    The structure of the xml file must be same as shown below in the sample xml File. Alternatively, you can make a copy of the existing file and start making changes in that file.


  3. Specify the name of the column in the name tag and the value of the column in the contextVariableName tag.

    Tag NameDescription

    Type of EDI. For example, 810.

    <transactioninfo editype=”810”>

    Order of the newly created column to be displayed in the table.  Value of this tag ranges from 12 to 32 only.

    <fieldinfo order=”11”> 
    columnnameThe value of this tag ranges from field1 to field 20.
    nameName of the EDI type.
    contextVariableNameColumn to track.

    You can also track EDI elements using xpath.

    Xpath: To view the data elements of EDI, add the xpath tag to the xml file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <transactioninfo editype="810">
    <fieldinfo order="12" columnname="field1">
          <![CDATA[Invoice Number]]>
