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User attribute mapping is used to identify for identifying fields in the Service Provider that you want to map from with those in the IdP server by synchronizing them on login. It compares the values in the SAML response in case-insensitive manner.

You can map any user field to any arbitrary SAML attribute. For example, you can map the user’s username as a Name. To

Follow the steps given below to map the fields:

  1. Go to the …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc\saml folder. 
  2. Open SAMLSSOConfiguration.xml file in the text editor. 
  3. Map SAML assertion attributes to Adeptia user fields in the file.
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If you want the field comparison to be case-sensitive then you need to add the attribute ignoreCase and set its value as false.
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  • You must define the ignoreCase attribute for each individual fields. This means that you can now define each field as case-sensitive or case-insensitive based on your requirement.
  • By default, ignoreCase attribute is not defined for any field. This means that the case will be ignored while doing the comparison.

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  • <field> is the Adeptia user field
  • .
  • <mapped-attribute> is the SAML assertion attribute.

For example, here entity name of the Adeptia user field is mapped with the first name of SAML assertion attribute.

Once you have mapped fields successfully, next step is to create users in Adeptia Connect.

It is mandatory user must exist both in SAML and Adeptia Connect to be authenticated. For information on how to create users, refer to Creating users.

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