After you've downloaded the export zip (EDI solution package) file containing the EDI Transactions, you can import the package by using the Import Package option under Solution Promotion feature at the target environment to deploy the solution.
To access and configure the Solution Promotion properties, follow the steps given below.
Click Account > Settings.
In the left panel, expand Microservice Settings.
Select WebRunner.
Expand Solution Promotion Configuration category to view and edit the properties.
Property name
Maximum memory a migration pod can use.
Minimum memory allocated to a migration pod.
Number of maximum CPU cores a migration pod can use.
Number of minimum CPU cores allocated to a migration pod in the deployment.
The frequency (time interval in seconds) at which the system checks for the status of the migration job.
The time period (in seconds) for which the system checks for the migration job to get up and running.
Value for JVM parameters required for migration.
Before you perform the Solution Promotion steps for import, ensure that you have met the following prerequisites.
Click Account > Tools > Solution Promotion.
On the left panel, select Import Packages.
Click CREATE Import Package.
On the Create Import Package screen,
Provide a name for the import package.
Provide a description for the import package.
In the Select Project field, select the project where you want to keep the import package.
In the Override User field, select the user to whom you want to provide ownership of the Transactions.
In the Override Modified By User field, select the user who will be reflected in the Modified By field of every Transaction after the deployment.
Note: Ensure that you select a user in this field.
Click Save & Exit.
Click More under ACTION against the package, and then click Import Package.
On the Import Package screen, click Browse to select the export zip file.
Click Import.
This deploys the EDI solution to the target environment and also creates a corresponding rollback zip that can be used to rollback the import operation. You can visit the Dashboard to view the details of the import operation.You can also perform the rollback operation on the package from its More menu under ACTION:
Download the rollback zip file corresponding to the import package from the Dashboard by navigating as follows:
Dashboard > Solution Promotion > More > rollback zipGo to the Import Packages manage page by navigating as follows:
Account > Tools > Solution Promotion > Import PackagesClick More under ACTION against the import package, and then click Rollback.
On the Rollback screen, click Browse to select the rollback zip you have downloaded in step 1.
Click Rollback.
This rolls back the import operation. You can go to Dashboard > Solution Promotion to see the details of the rollback operation.