Database Setup:
Create the connection from the workbench.
Verify the DB user provided by Connectria.
Create the database and users. Example command:
Code Block sql
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create user '<<customer_name>>productionuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <<customer_name>>_backend.* TO '<<customer_name>>productionuser'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Install Helm:
Install Helm in the Bastion:
bashCode Block Copy code
choco install kubernetes-helm
Disable SSL Setting:
Disable the SSL setting from the database server.
Install Adeptia Connect:
Install Adeptia Connect using Helm:
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helm install <<release name>> <<adeptia connect helmcharts path>>/ --timeout 10m --debug -n <<namespace>>
6. NGINX and Ingress Setup
Install NGINX:
Download NGINX v9.3.32 and apply the ingress rules:
bashCode Block Copy code
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml
Install EFK:
Download and install the EFK stack:
Copy code
helm install efk efk-stack/ -n logs
Install Grafana:
Download and install Grafana using Helm:
bashCode Block Copy code
helm install grafana-prometheus kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
Velero Backup Configuration:
Create a namespace
and a container in Azure Blob Storage.Install Velero using the command:
bashCode Block Copy code
velero install --provider azure --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure:v1.5.0 --bucket <<BLOB_CONTAINER>> --secret-file <<file path>>/credentials-velero.txt