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Solution Design:


The diagram depicts a data processing workflow where clients and trading partners send data in various formats to be standardized, validated, and output in specific formats. Below is the step-by-step breakdown of the workflow:

1. Input Stage (Any Format)

  • Clients and Trading Partners:

    • Different clients (e.g., Client_GERDAU, Client_ABC, Client_XYZ) and trading partners (e.g., TP_FF6000, TP_MM365, TP_N000) send data in different formats such as XML, CSV, or JSON.

    • The data is received in client-specific or partner-specific layouts.

2. Transformation (Adeptia)

  • Adeptia Transformation:

    • This transformation tool converts the input data into a standard client layout for clients and a standard trading partner layout for trading partners.

    • These standardized layouts help unify the incoming data into a consistent format for further processing.

3. Validation and Merging (Adeptia)

  • The standardized data goes through another stage of validation and merging.

    • Validation: Ensures data correctness and conformity to rules defined in the standard layouts.

    • Merging: Combines the standardized data into a merged dataset, while segregating any bad data or discrepancies.

4. Output Stage

  • Standard Output Layouts:

    • The merged and validated data is formatted into a standard output layout, ready for export in a specified format (e.g., CSV).

    • This merged output file is typically sent via FTP to the intended destination.

  • Discrepancy & Error Handling:

    • Bad Data: Any data that failed validation is flagged and formatted into a standard data discrepancy layout.

    • Orphan Data: Data that cannot be matched during the merging process is classified as unmatched orphan data and is formatted into a standard orphan record layout.

5. Reporting Stage

  • Error and Orphan Records:

    • The bad data and orphan records are outputted in CSV format as either an error report file or an orphan report file.

    • These reports are typically sent via email to the concerned parties for review and corrective actions.

6. Final Outputs

  • Merged Output: Sent via FTP in CSV format.

  • Error Report & Orphan Report: Sent via email in CSV format.

This workflow ensures that data from various clients and trading partners is consistently processed, validated, and outputted in a reusable and standardized manner.