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After you've created the file, you can import the objects using import.xml file. A successful import completes the migration process, and you'll be able to access all the objects in your new environment. 

If you want to retain the activities while importing the objects, you need to configure the parameters in the retain.xml that you want to retain. The objects can be retained at service and field level. You will find retain.xml in the <shared>/migration/template folder. For more information, refer to Structure of Retain XML.

To import objects:

  1. Copy the import.xml file PVC shared location <shared>/migration/template, and paste it to another folder.
    For example, shared/migration/custom/import.xml.

  2. Open import.xml in a text editor and do the followings.
    1. Type the location of the export zip file that you want to import in the <SourceZipLoc>.

    2. Type the location of retain.xml file in the <RetainXMlLocation>

    3. Enter the User Id of the user to whom you want to provide the ownership of the objects that you are deploying from the source environment in the <OverrideUser>.
    4. Save the file.
  3. Provide values for the following properties and environment variables in values.yaml file as shown in the table below.



    BACKEND_DB_URL<URL of the backend database server>
    BACKEND_DB_USERNAME<Username of your backend database server>
    BACKEND_DB_PASSWORD<Password for your backend database server>
    BACKEND_DB_DRIVER_CLASS<Backend database driver class name>
    BACKEND_DB_TYPE<Type of the backend database server> For example, SQL-server.
    SHARED_PATH<Environment variable in the values.yaml file that contains the configured shared path> The default value for this variable is /shared. This is the folder created at the root level in the PVC when you deploy Adeptia Connect.
    MIGRATION_XML_FILE_PATH<Path of the import.xml in PVC> For example, shared/migration/custom/import.xml.

  4. Navigate to the migration directory, and run the below command to import the objects.

    Code Block
    helm upgrade -i migration adeptia/migration -f adeptia/values.yaml -n <NAMESPACE>

    The Migration job does not get deleted automatically after the migration is complete. You need to manually delete it before you start a new migration process. 

Rolling back the import operation

If you decide upon rolling back the import operation, follow you need to follow the instructions given below.

  1. Enter Change the same values for the following two parameters that were used during in the import process.Change the values for the following two parameters, and keep the rest of the values as is.xml file.
    1. Enter rollback as the value for the OPERATION parameteroperation attribute.
    2. Enter the path Type the location of the rollback ZIP  as the value for thefile in the <SourceZipLoc> tag. 

      The rollback ZIP is created at the location where your Exported ZIP is locatedcreated in the PVC

      The format of rollback ZIP file name is Recovery_<EXPORT_ZIP_NAME>.zip.
    Click Build  to roll back the import operation.
  2. Enter rollback as the value for the OPERATION parameter.
  3. Enter the path of the rollback ZIP as the value for the SOURCE_ZIP_PATH

    InfoYou can find the rollback ZIP where your Exported ZIP is located. 
    The format of rollback ZIP file name is Recovery_<EXPORT_ZIP_NAME>.zip.

  4. Navigate to the migration directory, and run the below command to perform the rollback operation.

    Code Block
    helm upgrade -i migration adeptia/migration -f adeptia/values.yaml -n <NAMESPACE>

    RetainXmlLocation, OverRideuser, and OverrideModifiedByuser parameters are not applicable in case of rollback. 

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