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  1. Provide values for the following properties and environment variables in values.yaml file as shown in the table below.



    BACKEND_DB_URL<URL of the backend database server>
    • jdbc:sqlserver://<DB Hostname>:<Port Number>;database=<Backend Database Name>
    • jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostName>:<portNumber>:<S ID/ServiceName>
    BACKEND_DB_USERNAME<Username of your backend database server>
    BACKEND_DB_PASSWORD<Password for your backend database server>
    BACKEND_DB_DRIVER_CLASS<Backend database driver class name>
    BACKEND_DB_TYPE<Type of the backend database server. (for server> For example, SQL-server)>Server.
    SHARED_PATH<environment variable <Environment variable in the values.yaml file that contains the configured shared path. (for example, /shared)>path> The default value for this variable is /shared. This is the folder created at the root level in the PVC when you deploy Adeptia Connect.

    <Path of the folder containing the Accelerators' zip files>. For example, <Path of the folder that contains the required Accelerators inside in the PVC>.

    The Accelerators bundled with the application are by default located at ${SHARED_PATH}$/accelerators shared location shared/accelerators location in the PVC. If you wish, you can change the location of the bundled or the downloaded Accelerators.

  2. Navigate to the migration directory, and run the below command to install the driver.

    Code Block
    helm upgrade -i migration adeptia/migration -f adeptia/values.yaml -n <NAMESPACE>

    The Migration job does not get deleted automatically after the deployment is complete. You need to manually delete it before you start a new deployment.