Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j and Spring
The following table gives you an idea about the Adeptia Connect technology stack.
Layer | Technology |
JRE | Amazon Coretto (OpenJDK 8) |
UI Layer | EXTJS, JQuery, BPMNJS |
Security Layer | Spring Security (LDAP, SAML SSO), JWT |
API Layer | Spring Rest Template, Jersey (JAX-RS), Metro (JAX-WS), Swagger, FastAPI |
Microservices Layer | Spring Boot, Tomcat, Apache Camel |
Data Access Layer | Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Castor, Hikari connection pool |
Cache Framework | Ehcache |
Logging  Framework | Log4J2 |
Scheduler Framework | Quartz |
Data Mapper | Saxon, Python, Uvicorn |
Kubernetes Integration | Fabric8 Kubernetes Java client |