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  1. Login to Adeptia Connect.
  2. Click Account > Settings.

  3. Expand Microservice Settings, and then select ArchivalAndCleanup in the left panel.
    Image RemovedImage Added

  4. Expand the property category, Log Archival.

  5. Change the values of the following properties as per your need.

    Property Name


    abpm.appmanagement.archiveLogCleanupCronExpressionDefine the time in the Cron expression when you want to run the archive log cleanup. For example, for 8 PM you need to define 0 0 20 * * ?. For information on Cron expression, click here.

  6. Click Save to save the changes.
  7. Restart Kernel and WebRunner.
  8. To change the properties of file, go to .../AdeptiaServer-x.x/ServerKernel/etc/ file and change the properties as per your requirements. The below table shows the list of retain-time property of various logs within the file.

    Property Name


    abpm.archive.logRetainTimeDefines the retain time for archive log. If the value is left blank then it takes 30 days as the default retain time.
    abpm.archive.dataRetainTimeDefines the retain time for archive data. If the value is left blank then retain time specified for log will be taken as data retain time.

    It is recommended to define same retain time for different logs to maintain the consistency within all logs. However, you can define different retain time for different logs.

  9. Save the file. Click Update to save the changes.
  10. Restart Kernel and WebRunner. Is this step required