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Migration utility enables you to seamlessly migrate activities from one environment of Adeptia Connect to another. 

This utility helps you at various stages of implementation, right from the development through production environment of Adeptia Connect. For instance, you can migrate activities from development to staging environment first, and then from staging to production environment by following some simple steps. It helps you:

  • Promote activities across environments (for example, development environment to staging environment and vice-versa)
  • Migrate all activities from one environment to another environment
  • Take backup of Adeptia Connect
  • Apply Accelerator

 The utility gives you three options to perform migration: 

Environment Promotion: It helps you promote set of activities across environments. This migration is at the user level, where you can select a group and promote all its activities to another environment.

Migration: It allows you to migrate
  • .
  • Migrate all activities from one environment to another environment
. Additionally, it also facilitates you to take the backup of all activities and configuration files in the current installation and restore them whenever required. Install Accelerator: It allows you to apply the Accelerators, for example, EDI Accelerators, Data Interface, and more
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Migration utility makes you navigate through a set of steps and asks you for inputs required to perform migration. The utility gets information from a text file (import.xml or export.xml) specified at the Command Prompt using -export or -import argument. uses the information given in export.xml and import.xml files for completing the migration.

For migration, you need to perform the following steps.

Exporting Objects

Step-by-step instructions to export objects.

Importing Objects

Step-by-step instructions to import objects.

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