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Adeptia Connect integrates EFK for logging, and Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring purposes. You can, however, opt out of using these tools, and use other tools of your preference

  • If you opt for EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) as a logging tool while deploying Adeptia Connect v4.0, the EFK stack is automatically deployed.


  • If you opt for Prometheus and Grafana as monitoring tools while deploying Adeptia Connect v4.0,


  • the tools are automatically deployed. 

    In case you go for


  • tools other than EFK, Prometheus and Grafana for logging and monitoring, you need to manually install and configure


  • them


In a Microservices architecture centralized logging plays a key role in identifying issues 

Centralized logging can be very useful when attempting to identify problems with your servers or applications, as it allows you to search through all of your logs in a single place. It is also useful because it allows you to identify issues that span multiple servers by correlating their logs during a specific time frame.

Centralized Log Management (CLM) is a type of logging solution system that consolidates all of your log data and pushes it to one central, accessible, and easy-to-use interface. Centralized logging is designed to make your life easier. Using Log Streams is one way to implement centralized logging. The common way to implement it is to stream microservice logs to a common queue. Distributed logging server listens to the queue and acts as log store. It provides search capabilities to search the trace. 

Adeptia Connect logs messages during the execution of an activity to help you monitor and troubleshoot the application. The application writes these logs to standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr). Kubernetes then reads the logs, and creates a separate log file for each Microservice.

Adeptia Connect bundles a tool, EFK, that can help you view the logs as and when required. The three components – Elastic search– Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana – constitute the EFK tool. Each of the components work in tandem to serve a common purpose of working with and viewing the logs. Here's how EFK works.

  • Fluentd collects the logs from Kubernetes and pushes them into Elastic searchElasticsearch
  • Elastic search Elasticsearch maintains the index of all the logs.
  • Kibana is the UI where you can view the logs available in Elastic searchElasticsearch.

  • You can also opt to use another third party tool for logging purposes. In this case, refer to this section to know what you need to do to configure the third party tool.
