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When you're going to use the default Secrets, you need to pass the confidential information on to the Kubernetes for the creation of Secrets through some properties and environment variables in values.yaml file at the time of deployment. In the values.yaml file, you need to complete the following settings.

  1. Provide the values for the environment variables highlighted in red in the following screenshot.

  2. Set the value for the properties highlighted in red in the following screenshot. 

  3. For each microservice, provide the values for the two properties highlighted in red in the screenshot below.
    The following screenshot depicts the properties for the Webrunner microservice. Similarly, you need to set the same properties for all the microservices.


If you wish to use a third party tool such as Vault to manage the Secrets, you may need to do the followings.

  • Perform some Complete the essential settings in the tool.
  • Set some properties in values.yaml file.


  • Secrets – A folder that contains different types of Secrets, having related confidential information, for example, database Secret. You need to have two types of Secrets created in Vault – database SecretsSecret, and Image SecretsSecret
    To manage the database SecretsSecret, you need to have the following details in key-value pairs. For this, you need to create the following environment variables, and set their values.
    In the Image SecretsSecret, you need to have the address of the image repository provided by Adeptia. 
  • Policies – Defines the type of permissions – create, read, update, delete, and list – Adeptia Connect may have on Secrets.
  • Authentication method – To authenticate the request coming from the Kubernetes host. 
  • Roles – Contains the details about the policies created, service account name, and the namespace.
