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  1. Design a Solution DB

  2. Design Process flow

  3. Create REST Provider End-point

  4. Publish the Provider in WebFrom

1. Design Solution DB


In this use case, data is stored in the Solution DB


. The data retrieval involves writing a joining query to fetch the


necessary information from the backend.


The query will be based on


the attributes required for the UI, such as File Phase, Error Description, Total Record Count, Unique Record Count, Duplicate Record Count, and File Status


.Here is the structure of the tables which are their DB.

Database Structure

The tables in the Solution DB should be structured to efficiently support these queries. Here is an example schema:

2. Design Process flow


When the file queue page is accessed, the backend server performs specific steps to ensure that all relevant file queue data is accurately retrieved and displayed on the front end. There are three primary flows, each with a distinct purpose. Once designed, these flows need to be published for the REST provider.

Process Overview

When the file queue page is accessed, the backend server performs the following steps to ensure that all relevant file queue data is accurately retrieved and displayed on the front end. Here are three flows working and each flow has a purpose.


Once the flow has been designed, it needs to be published for the REST provider.


a. Default Flow:


Retrieve All File Information

Process Steps

Step 1: Receive Request

  • Action:


  • The backend server receives a request from the frontend to access the file queue page.


  • Trigger: Initiates the process of retrieving


  • necessary file queue data.

Step 2: Query the Database


Upon receiving the request, the

  • Action: The backend server queries the database to retrieve all relevant information.


  • Data Retrieved: File Phase, Error Descriptions, Total Record CounCount, Unique Record CounCount, Duplicate Record Count, File Status.

Step 3: Send Data to Frontend


After successfully querying the database and retrieving the necessary data, the backend server

  • Action: The backend sends the retrieved data to the front end.


  • Outcome: The frontend displays the data, providing users with a comprehensive view of the file queue status and details.


b.Top Flow: Search by Filename & Transaction Id


c. Button Process Flow - Advanced Search: Filtering Records by (Start Date & End Date)



This Process flow is used for advanced search in which a user can filter records based on their start date and end date using the Advanced Search functionality. This includes the interactions between the frontend and backend systems to accomplish this task.


3. Create REST Provider End-point


A REST (Representational State Transfer) Provider is a service that offers resources and functionalities over HTTP(S) using standard REST principles. It enables clients to interact with the service through predefined APIs, facilitating the integration and communication between different systems.
