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The following sections explain the Disaster Recovery model in detail.

Table of Contents


Having a robust Disaster Recovery (DR) plan in place helps you recover from a failure of the production environment and continue using the application. Adeptia recommends you that you have the DR environment ready as a failover if anything unpredictable happens to your application, storage, or the database.


Switching from PROD to DR Environment

You may want to switch from production to DR environment based on your business requirement. To achieve this, follow the steps given below.


Before you follow the steps to switch from production to DR environment, install azcopy CLI on the client you use for accessing the Kubernetes cluster.

Steps to switch from PROD to DR environment

  1. Scale down the Runtime and Listener deployments in the PROD environment by running two commands in the following formats.

    Code Block
    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment <Release Name>-ac-runtime -n <namespace>

    Code Block
    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment <Release Name>-ac-listener -n <namespace>

  2. Pause Scheduler in the PROD environment


  3. Scale down Rabbit MQ statefulset in the PROD environment
    kubectl scale --replicas=0 statefulset <Release Name>-ac-rabbitmq -n <namespace>

  4. Scale down Rabbit MQ statefulset in the DR environment
    kubectl scale --replicas=0 statefulset <Release Name>-ac-rabbitmq -n <namespace>
  5. Initiate Failover for the storage account using below steps:


    >> These failover steps are not mandatory. These steps are mandatory only when the Azure File Share is not accessible due to any failure.

    >> As per Microsoft guideline, the time it takes to failover after initiation can vary though typically less than one hour.

    1. Login into your Azure Portal.

    2. Go to the Storage Account being used in the PVC of Prod environment.

    3. Within that storage account go to Data Management > Redundancy section.

    4. Click Prepare for failover and follow the instruction given on the screen. The failover process starts.

    5. Once the Account Failover process completes the data from secondary region will be accessible from the existing end point of the storage account.

  6. Copy web/repository folder from PROD to DR environment
    ./azcopy sync "https://[account][PVC]/web/repository/?[SAS]" "https://[account][PVC]/web/repository/?[SAS]" --recursive=true
    For Example:
    ./azcopy sync ",http&sig=VxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaXBmSAKm4%3D" ",http&sig=vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGazWA%3D" --recursive=true
  7. Copy recovery folder from PROD to DR environment
    ./azcopy sync "https://[account][PVC]/recovery/?[SAS]" "https://[account][PVC]/recovery/?[SAS]" --recursive=true
    For Example:
    ./azcopy sync ",http&sig=VxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaXBmSAKm4%3D" ",http&sig=vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGazWA%3D" --recursive=true

  8. Copy reprocessing folder from PROD to DR environment
    ./azcopy sync "https://[account][PVC]/reprocessing/?[SAS]" "https://[account][PVC]/reprocessing/?[SAS]" --recursive=true
    For Example:
    ./azcopy sync ",http&sig=VxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaXBmSAKm4%3D" ",http&sig=vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGazWA%3D" --recursive=true
  9. Copy Rabbitmq PVC content from PROD to DR environment
    ./azcopy sync "https://[account][PVC]/?[SAS]" "https://[account][PVC]/?[SAS]" --recursive=true --mirror-mode=true
    For Example:
    ./azcopy sync ",http&sig=VxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaXBmSAKm4%3D" ",http&sig=vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGazWA%3D" --recursive=true --mirror-mode=true
  10. Scale up RabbitMQ statefulset in the DR environment
    kubectl scale --replicas=1 statefulset <Release Name>-ac-rabbitmq -n <namespace>
  11. Scale up Listener in the DR environment
    kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment <Release Name>-ac-runtime -n <namespace>
  12. Resume Scheduler in the DR environment
  13. Update DNS record to route all request to DR environment
