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This page guide you on the steps required to call and use a stored procedure in a process flow created in the Process Designer.

Follow the steps below to use a stored procedure in a process flow:

  1. In the Process Designer, open the Repository View by clicking the icon .
  2. Expand Others and then Stored Procedure
  3. Drag and drop the stored procedure in the canvas.

You can also define the 

You can define

an output stream for a stored procedure


if the Generate Stream option is 


ON for that stored procedure. See the screenshot below



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By default
value of 
, the Generate
Steam option will
set according to the Output Mode
 in the activity.
  • If Output Mode is XML Stream then the Generate Stream option will be ON otherwise it will be OFF.
  • Stored procedure activity will now generate an output stream.
  • Output stream can be defined for stored procedure in Process Designer. See the below screenshot
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    Now, stream generate
     you have selected in the store procedure. If you have selected XML Stream as the Output Mode, the Generate Stream option for the stored procedure will be ON, or else it will be OFF.

    To define the output stream for the stored procedure in the process designer:

    1. In the Activity Properties pane, click STREAMS tab.
    2. On the Output tab, in the Name field, Enter the name of the output stream
    3. In the Consumer field, Select the activity that is going to consume the output stream
    4. Click Image Added.

    Once defined, the output stream generated by the stored procedure can be consumed by other activities

    like Data Mapper, Destination etc

    in a process flow. See


    an example below


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