Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Changes in file

  1. Go to …<ConnectPortalInstallFolder>\resources_config location.
  2. Open file.
  3. Replace the details for Microsoft SharePoint by the details given below:

    Code Blockmicrosoftsharepoint.oauthVersion=2.0 microsoftsharepoint.oauth20.authorize={baseUrl}/_layouts/15/OAuthAuthorize.aspx microsoftsharepoint.oauth20.accessToken={realmId}/tokens/OAuth/2 microsoftsharepoint.scope=Site.Manage List.Manage Web.Manage Web.Write AllSites.Manage AllProfiles.Manage microsoftsharepoint.AccessTokenValueMap=resource$00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/{domain}{realmId}config location.
  4. Take backup of file from the above-mentioned location. (remove the prerequisites step for backup)

  5. Go to the downloaded Adeptia Connect zip folder and copy the file.
  6. Replace the existing file with the copied file at the following location: …<ConnectPortalInstallFolder>\resources_config.
  7. Open file.
  8. Explain the new changes.
  9. If there were any other changes in the old file, you have to do the same changes manually in the updated file.

    For older changes, refer to the old file that you had saved as a backup.

  10. Save the file.

Once the post installation steps are done, start the Connect Portal.
