This panel contains the list of properties that are used to define the Text layout.
Property | Description |
Property | Description |
Layout Name | Name of the Text layout. Only alphanumeric and underscore are allowed and you must start the layout name with an alphabet or underscore. |
Layout Description | Description of the Text layout. Only alphanumeric and few special characters(_ - . : , @ $ ? \\ and space) are allowed and you must start the description with an Alphabet/Underscore/Number. |
Layout Type | By default, Layout Type field reflects the same layout type which you are creating. |
Data Header Present | Check this if you want to add the titles of the fields in your text file. |
Record Separator | Provide the record separator, for example, \n for newline or " " for space, in the Record Separator. The record separator is used to separate the records. |
Field Separator | Provide the field separator, for example, \t for Tab or " " for space, in the Field Separator. Field Separator is used to separate fields. |
Upload Data File | To upload the text file which displays the uploaded text file in File View area. |
Reference Layout Type | Specify the reference layout type for the current layout. |
Reference Layout | Displays the defined reference schema in the drop-down list. |
Project | Specify the project for text layout. This option is visible only when GAC is enabled. |
Row Start Position | Row Start Position specifies which row of the text Sheet is counted as first row. |
Bottom Row Skip Count | To skip certain bottom row from the text file then define the row count from Bottom Row Skip Count field. |
Character Set Encoding | Define the Character-set encoding for your text layout from the drop-down list of Character Set Encoding field. The available options are UTF-8, UTF-16, and ISO-8859-1. |
Handle Enclosing Character | Type the enclosing characters to remove from the data file while parsing in the Handle Enclosing Character. |
Dynamic Header Support | Select this option to insert the data of input file under the same header name as defined in the layout. |
Quotes Handling On | Select Quotes Handling check box to enable quotes handling. |
Enclosed Target Field Values In Double Quotes | Select the to enclose the target field values in double quotes. |
Allow Less Fields | Check this if you want to generate empty fields when record data length is less than defined in schema. |
Remove Last New Line Record Separator | Select Remove Last New Line Record Separator check box if you want to remove the new line record separator from the target file. |
Filter Invalid XML Character | Select this option if you want to replace xml invalid character. |