In the event of having a large XML layout to be loaded as a source or destination while creating a mapping, it may take a lot more time than required. In this case, you may need to optimize the loading of the layout.
Infotip |
By default, the loading of an XML layout is configured to be optimized in Web Mapper. However, you can modify the configured settings based on your requirements while you are creating a mapping. |
Tip |
Optimization of layout loading is only applicable on XML layouts. |
In case, the default setting has been changed to disable the optimization, the steps below guide you on how to enable and set the optimization settings for loading of a layout:
- Ensure that all the source and destination layout are loaded and all their elements are listed under their respective nodes.
Go to Open > Preferences.
On the Preferences screen, click XML Layout from the left pane.
This displays the optimize layout loading configuration properties.- Select the On demand (optimized) loading of XML
Process only the root level element; not the complete XSD, if the XSD is complex. When you expand the hierarchy elements, it processes child elements and loads them into memory. The hierarchy elements expansion is now displayed in the applet. This option is applicable only on XML schemas. It optimizes the processing of XML schemas and loads the XSD elements only up to 2 levels in the source and target panels. You need to click a hierarchy element to load its further child elements.
Cache Included Schemas
- Layout Tree check box to enable the optimization of layout loading.
- In Tree
- expand level for root hierarchy box, click the up or down arrow to defines the hierarchy level up to which the source and
- destination files will
- process the layout to load it into the Web Mapper. By default,
- the value is
Easy Schema Parser Configuration
Defines the hierarchy level up to which the source and target files will process the schema to load it into the Data Mapper. You can define the hierarchy level in the Tree Expand Level Dialog box, it appears when you click on this menu option. The default value in the Tree Expand Level Dialog box is 10. This means that the Data Mapper will display the hierarchy of source and target files for the respective schema up to level 10.
Another way of splitting source data is to enable the quick splitting feature. This splits the source and sets the Splitter Xpath.
Steps to split data by enabling quick splitting
Info |
Once a Splitter XPath is set for a source element, the letter (S) is displayed next to that source element. This signifies that the source element has been split and the Splitter XPath has been set. |
Steps to remove Splitter XPath
Select the source layout element and click on more option whose Splitter XPath you want to remove and select the Remove Splitter XPath option.
This removes the Splitter XPath set on the selected source element.
set to 5.Info Once a Splitter XPath is removed for a source element, the letter (S) is removed next to that source element. - In Tree expand level for extension elements box, click the up or down arrow to define the level up to which extension elements will be loaded when you click on a node on the tree. By default, the value is set to 10.
- In Self recursion level box, click the up or down arrow to set the value based on your requirements. By default, the value is set to 0.
Info By default, Enable types buffering option is enabled for the optimization of layout loading.