Adeptia Connect logs several types of messages during the execution of a service (for example, a Process Flow) to help you monitor and troubleshoot the application. Message logging is done at four levels: ERROR, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG. The NOTICE log level captures all the notable events in the application including the error messages. For example, the Cluster and Queue Processor component log messages at the NOTICE log level. 


By default, Asynchronous logging is enabled in Adeptia Connect. Click here to get more details.

Synchronous logging
Synchronous logging
Synchronous logging


  • Maximum throughput: With an asynchronous logger, it can log messages at a higher rate in comparison to synchronous logger.
  • Lower latency: As the logging occurs in a separate thread, it significantly lowers the latency to the minimum in the overall execution of the service.


  • In case of an abrupt shutdown which is a rare scenario, the log messages get lost if they are present in the async queue and have not been already been logged.

    In case of a graceful shutdown, Adeptia Connect implements a shutdown hook to ensure that all logs in the queue are logged before bringing the application down.

  • In case of a vast number of messages to be logged, the log may display the messages with a delay or after the execution of the service.


Logging parameters are pre-configured in the application. However, if you want to update the configuration parameters, you can follow the steps below to navigate to the Asynchronous logging properties window and update the properties:

  1. Click Configure > Developer Studio.
  2. Click Proceed.
  3. On the Connect Server home page, click Administer tab.
  4. Go to Setup menu and select the Application Settings option.
  5. Click Update System Properties.
  6. Navigate to Systems > Asynchronous Logging.

    Setting the abpm.log4j.async.logging.enable property to false changes the logging to be in Synchronous mode. By default, this property is set to true. You can also update the rest of the listed properties based on your requirements.

Configuring properties
Configuring properties
Configuring properties


  1. Go to …<ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc location.
  2. Open file.
  3. The following table contains the list of properties which are configurable:

    PropertyDescriptionPossible value
    log4j.logger.rootTo include the location in the appenders (Console, jdbc. etc.).true or false
    log4j.logger.EventEvents logging levelERROR, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG
    log4j.logger.runtimeRuntime logging levelERROR, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG
    log4j.logger.auditAudit logging levelERROR, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG
    log4j.logger.systemSystem logging levelERROR, NOTICE, INFO, and DEBUG
    abpm.log4j.async.logging.enableEnable/disable asynchronous logging in the application.true or false
    log4j2.asyncLoggerExceptionHandlerName of a class that will be notified when an exception
    occurs while logging the messages.
    Name of the class.
    For example, com.adeptia.indigo.logging.AsyncLoggerExceptionHandler.
    og4j2.asyncLoggerRingBufferSizeSize (number of slots) in the RingBuffer used by the asynchronous
    logging subsystem.
    Minimum size = 128.
    Maximum size = Based on your requirements.
    log4j2.asyncQueueFullPolicyTo drop events whose level is equal or less than the threshold level
    (INFO by default) when the queue is full.
    log4j2.discardThresholdTo determine which events to be dropped when the queue becomes full. This works only when 'log4j2.asyncQueueFullPolicy' property is set.ERROR, INFO, and DEBUG