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Adeptia Connect logs several types of messages during the execution of a service, for example, a Process Flow, to help you monitor and troubleshoot the application. Message logging is done at three levels: ERROR, INFO, and NOTICE. The NOTICE log level captures the error messages in the production environment, for example, an error message related to Queue Processor.

There are two types of logging that Adeptia Connect supports:

Synchronous logging
Synchronous logging
Synchronous logging

In Synchronous logging, the application logs the messages as and when there is one to be logged and execution of the service is put on hold until the complete message is written in the logger. For example, If there are three error messages generated during a Process Flow execution, the Process Flow resumes only after these three error messages are logged. The same execution thread is used for logging also which leads to a stalled execution of the service for the time while the messages are being logged.

Asynchronous logging
Asynchronous logging
Asynchronous logging

In Asynchronous logging, the logging happens in a thread which is separate from the service execution thread. This leads to an uninterrupted execution of the service as it does not need to wait for the logging to be completed. An effective logging mechanism depends on two key factors, low latency and maximum throughput. 


  • In case of abrupt shutdown, the log messages may get lost. Adeptia Connect implements a shutdown hook to ensure that all logs in the queue are actually logged before bringing the application down.
  • In case of high number of messages to be logged, the log may display the messages with a delay and after the execution of the service.

View the Runtime Log

Configuring the Logging

Runtime log view 

Logging configuration

Logging parameters are pre-configured in the application. However, if you want to update the configuration parameters you can follow the steps below to navigate to the Asynchronous logging properties window:

  1. Click Configure > Developer Studio.
  2. Click Proceed.
  3. On the Connect Server home page, click Administer tab.
  4. Go to Setup menu and select the Application Settings option.
  5. Click Update System Properties.
  6. Navigates to Systems > Asynchronous Logging.

    Image Added

    Setting the abpm.log4j.async.logging.enable property to false changes the logging to be in Synchronous mode. You can also update rest of the listed properties based on your requirements.