Field Name | Description |
Transaction | Name of the Transaction. |
Template | Name of the Template used for creating Transaction. |
Partner | Name of the Partner for which Transaction is executed. |
User ID |
Type | Type of Transaction whether App Inbound or Outbound or File Inbound or Outbound. |
Started | Date and time when the Transaction was executed. |
Reference | Displays the name of the source file used in the Transaction. In case, track variable function is used in the mapping, this field will display the tracked value. If multiple values are tracked, View link is displayed listing all the tracked values. You can also view the values of the track variables created in the Developer's Studio Data Mapper. For this, you need to use PF_ReferenceID as a second parameter in the Track Variable function in the Developer's Studio Data Mapper. For example, trackVariable($_class ,'PF_ReferenceID' ,'BUNAME' ,$Input_Text_edi/Root/Record/Seatno) This field will display the tracked value if both source file and tracked variable function are used in the Transaction. |
Status | Displays the status of the Transaction. The status can be Fetching, No Data, Queued, Running, Success, and Abort. Fetching: Transaction is fetching data from the specified location. No Data: Transaction couldn't find any data at the specified location so far. Queued: Transaction is in a queue and is waiting to fetch data. Running: Transaction execution is in progress. : Successful execution of the Transaction. : An error in the execution of the Transaction. |
Action | : View details of the execution. Execution status is displayed graphically. indicates all the stages of the Transaction execution have been processed successfully. Click to view the execution details. In case of an error, the status is displayed with the cause and fix of an error. Click to view the error details. |
: Re-runs the aborted Transaction after rectifying an error. You can only Re-run the Transaction till the time its reprocessing file is available and not deleted by the cleanup job. You can either Re-run the Transaction from the last failure stage or upload a new file to Re-run the Transaction. You can only Re-run the parent Transaction in case of Post Process Transactions. | |
: Displays the detailed logs of the process flow (running in the background of Adeptia Connect, that is, in the Developer's Studio). It also displays the activities used in the process flow that is executed to process the Transaction. | |
: Displays the list of repository files created during execution of the Transaction or process flow. | |
: Displays the log details of the activities used in the process flow to execute the Transaction. | |
: Displays the value of the context variables used in the Transaction or process flow. |
Icon/Button | Description |
Refresh the Dashboard screen. | |
View all executed Transactions. | |
View only aborted (error) executed Transactions. | |
Displays all transactions and EDI and EDIFACT Interchanges and Messages. | |
Search a specific Transaction. |
Default view log
You can change the default view of the dashboard as per your requirements. This means that you can change the default All Messages view to any other view, for example, Transactions view.
Click here to understand how to change the view.