This section lists the prerequisites and steps for applying and verifying this patch.


  1. Stop the Connect Server.
  2. Download the following two certificates from this link
    • 1199354.crt
    • 1720081.crt
  3. On the command prompt, run the following command to import the two new certificates to the cacerts file:

    keytool -import -file "<path_to_Certificate_file>" -keystore "<path_to_application_folder>\ServerKernel\etc\truststore\cacerts" - alias "<alias_name>" - storepass "<cacerts file password>"

       path_to_Certificate_file: The location where you have downloaded the certificates. 
    path_to_application_folder: Location of the cacerts file in the Connect Server. 
    alias_name: Alias name for '1199354.crt' and '1720081.crt' are 'USERTrust RSA Certification Authority' and 'COMODO RSA Certification Authority' respectively.
       cacerts file password: Password for the cacerts file. By default, the password for the cacerts file is 'changeit'.

  4. Restart the Connect Server.

Downloading Fontconfig


Library on Linux

This section is applicable only if you are using Connect Server in Linux environment.

In view of using open source Amazon Coretto JRE with this release, it is mandatory for you to download the Fontconfig library in Linux environment to use this version effectively. install the Fontconfig library on the machine where Connect Server is running.  


Ensure that you have Read, Write, and Execute permissions on all sub-folders and files of .../AdeptiaConnect-<Version>.

You must install Fontconfig library on the machine on which Connect Server is running.

in Linux environment.

Follow the steps below to download install the Fontconfig library:

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Go to the directory where you have extracted the zip file.
  3. Run the following command to download install the Fontconfig library:
           yum install fontconfig
  4. Exit the Terminal once the library gets downloaded. 
  5. Restart the Connect Server.  
