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Mail Polling activity is used to listen for the arrival of any emails on the mail server. 

Steps to create a mail polling activity:

  1. Click Configure > POLLING > Mail.

  2. Click Create Mail.

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  3. On Create Mail Event window, enter the values in each fields as explained in below table.

    Field NameDescription
    NameName of the new mail polling.
    DescriptionDescription of the new mail polling.
    ProtocolInternet standard protocol to be used for retrieving incoming mails. The available options are POP3, IMAP4 or MAPI. Based on the selected protocol, the default port number for that protocol is displayed in the Port text box. MAPI option will appear for license version.

    To send an e-mail through Microsoft Exchange Server, select MAPI in Protocol drop down box. To connect Adeptia Connect with Microsoft Exchange Server, you need to buy a third party tool called J-Integra for Exchange. J-Integra for Exchange is a high performance middleware bridge that enables Java Exchange interoperability. If you want to retrieve mails from an Exchange Server using J-Integra, select MAPI in the Protocol drop-down list box. 

    If MAPI is selected in the Protocol drop-down list box:

    • Enter name of the exchange server in Incoming Mail Server field.
    • Enter the domain name in the Domain field.
    • Enter the name of the CDO host machine in CDO host machine text box. CDOConfig.exe is the tool that comes with the J-Integra for Exchange SDK and is used for configuring CDO. Host where CDO is configured is called CDO host machine. 
    Incoming Mail ServerIncoming mail (SMTP) server address.
    Security TypeProtocol that provide data encryption and authentication between applications and servers in scenarios where that data is being sent across an insecure network. The available options are SSLTLSNone. This implementation is specific, if and only if, POP3 and IMAP4 Protocol is selected in the Protocol drop-down list box. Supported TLS version is 1.2.
    PortPort number of the incoming mail server.
    User IdUsername of the mail server.
    PasswordPassword of the mail server.
    Confirm PasswordRe-enter the password in the textbox Confirm Password.
    Search based on following filter criteriaSelect any of the filter criteria: Sender E-mail, Mail Subject, Mail Content, File Attachment. You can select more than one filter criteria. Type either sender's email address, email subject, or email content in the Sender E-mailSubject, or Mail Content text boxes respectively. You can use asterisk and wild cards in the content of the mail
    Polling FrequencyTime interval for polling. Type the value in the Frequency text box and select the unit of time (seconds or minutes) from Duration. We recommended minimum Polling Frequency to be more than 60 seconds.
    Expiry TimeExpiry time of the email. After expiry, time process flow does not poll for the email

  4. Expand the Advanced Properties section. 

    1. Select the Project from Project drop-down list.
  5. Click Save.

    When a mail polling service is used in a process flow, it creates a Polling Status activity variable. For more information, refer to Polling Status.


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