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The FTP Polling Service activity is used to check the arrival or modification of a file(s) on a FTP location.

Steps to create a FTP Polling Activity

On the Adeptia Suite homepage, go to 

polling activity

  1. Click Configure > ServicesPOLLING > Polling and then click FTP.

    The Manage FTP Polling screen is displayed. 

  2. Click the Create New link. The Create FTP Polling Service screen is displayed. 

  3. Enter the

    Click Create FTP.

    Image Added

  4. On the Create FTP Polling window, enter the name and description of the new FTP Polling Service in the Name and Description text boxes respectively fields.
  5. Enter the name and port number of the FTP Server in the textboxes Host Name and Port respectively.Enter the Host name and Port on which FTP Server is running.
  6. Enter the username and password required to access FTP Server in the textboxes the User ID and Password fields respectively. Then, rePassword fields.
  7. Re-enter the password in the textbox Confirm Password.
  8. Select the transfer type as either Active or Passive from the dropdown list drop-down list of Transfer TypeActive transfer
    1. ACTIVE transfer is more secure since the client only initiates communication to the Server on one port
    whereas in case of Passive transfer
    1. .
    2. PASSIVE transfer the client initiates communication to the Server over two ports. Passive mode is useful when you are behind a firewall or a proxy.
  9. Select the trigger

    type from the dropdown list Trigger Type. For selection of values, refer to Table 2.Select the SSH FTP (SFTP)

    from the Trigger Type drop-down list. 

    On FileModified

    To configure the FTP event to check for any modification in the file(s).

    On FileExists

    To configure the FTP event to check for the existence of the file(s).

    On FileCreated

    To configure the FTP event to check for the creation of a new file(s).

    Trigger Name


  10. Select SFTP checkbox if the FTP Server specified in the Host Name field is  is an FTP Server over SSH.Check the FTP Over TLS/SSL (FTPS) checkbox, SSL.
    1. Select the key manager from the Key Manager drop-down list.
  11. Select FTPS checkbox if the FTP Server


    specified in the Host Name

     field is

     is an FTP Server over TLS/SSL.

    In case you have selected FTP Over TLS/SSL (FTPS) checkbox, then select the FTPS


    1. Select the mode from the FTPS

    Mode dropdown
    1. Mode drop-down list. It can be Explicit or Implicit depending on FTP Server

    1. you are accessing. 

    2. Select the protection level supported by the FTP Server

    1. from

    the dropdown list Protection Level. This
    1. the Protection Level drop-down list. This drop-down list has the following three options:


      • None
      • Clear
      • Private

      By default, the option None is selected.

    If you want to
    1. Select Validate Server checkbox to validate the certificate sent by the FTPS

    Server select the Validate Server check box
    1. Server against the certificate imported in Keystore.

    2. Select

    1. the activity from the Keystore

     Name dropdown
    1. Name drop-down list. This option is applicable only

    1. if you have

    checked the 
    1. selected Validate

    1. Server

    1. .

      When Validate option is unchecked, it always accepts the certificate sent by FTPS Server. When this option is checked, it validates the certificate sent by FTPS server against the certificate imported in Keystore.

    Keystore is repository of security certificates. To know how to create Keystore and import certificates, refer to Creating Keystore section of Administrator Guide.
  12. Enter the name of file that FTP event needs to verify in the File Include Criteria field.
  13. Enter the Enter the name of the file that file the FTP event does not need to verify in the File Exclude Criteria field. For example .txt is entered in *

    For example, you have typed *.txt as a value in the File Include Criteria, but and you want following two files Gdata.txt and Gdata1.txt are  file not required to be verified by FTP Polling Service. Then the FTP Event, then Gdata.txt and Gdata1.txt file name need to be entered separated by a comma in in the File Exclude Criteria field. You can also use regular expressions listed in Table 2to specify more than one file in the File Include Criteria and File Exclude Criteria.
  14. Enter the path of file in the File Base Location. Example c:/Gmdata.

    You can also use regular expression for folders in File Include Criteria and File Exclude Criteria fields. For example, if you enter h*/*.txt in File Include Criteria field and C:/Gmdata in File Base Location field, it will search for all .txt file inside all directories which starts from h under C:\Gmdata.

  15. Enter the time interval, the FTP Polling Service will check for the arrival of any file or modification of existing file in the Polling Frequency field. Enter digit in the Frequency field and select the unit of time i.e. seconds, minutes or hours etc. from the dropdown list Duration.

    We recommended minimum Polling Frequency to be more than 60 seconds.

  16. Enter the file stable time in the File Stable Time field. This is applicable only when user selects On FileModified in trigger type. Polling will wait for the above specified time to become a file stable.
  17. Enter the expiry time in the Expiry Time field. After expiry time process flow does not poll for the file.For information on Advanced Properties, refer to Changing Advanced Properties.

    When a FTP polling service is used in a process flow, it creates a Polling Status activity variable. For more information, refer to Polling Status.

  18. Expand the Advanced Properties section to view the advanced properties. 

    1. Select the Project from Project drop-down list.
    2. The Connector dropdown lists the APIs that you can use to connect to the FTP Server.

      For any new activity, by default, Secured Inet Factory option is selected in this

    1. drop-down list. 
      The options of the Connector drop-down list changes as per your selection of the protocols that you want to use to establish the FTP connection. Please see the below table for more information:




      Secured Inet Factory


      J2SCH (VFS)
      Secured Inet Factory


      J2SCH (VFS)
      Secured Inet Factory

    2. If you want to create a log file of your FTP activity then check the Verbose check box.


      The Verbose check box is enabled only when you select the Secure Inet Factory option from the Connector drop-down list. When you enable the Verbose checkbox, the log file is created

    within <Adeptia Suite Installation folder>
    1. within …ConnectServerInstallFolder>\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\

    1. logs/Ftplogs

    1.  folder. Whenever you execute this activity a separate log file is created with the name <ActivityName_MM-dd-yyyy hh-mm-ss.S>.


    1. ActivityName is the name of the FTP Activity for which log file is created.

  19. Click Save.


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