This page discusses the followings:describes how and what all you need to do if you are using Nginx Ingress Controller as a front-end for Webapp Gateway.
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Run the following Kubectl command to copy the certificate to the PVC or shared storage volume for the Webapp Gateway pod.
Code Block language css theme Midnight Kubectl --namespace <namepace_name> cp <local_path_for_SSL_certificate> <pod_name>:shared/truststore/<SSL_certificate_name>
Navigate to the Microservice pod (Eg. Webrunner) by running the following command.
Code Block language css theme Midnight Kubectl --namespace <namespace_name> exec -it <pod_name> -- sh
Run the following Keytool command to import the certificate.
Code Block language css theme Midnight keytool -import -trustcacerts -file <Path_of_SSL_Certificate> -alias <alias_name> -keystore <Path of cacerts file>
<Path_of_SSL_Certificate> is the path of SSL certificate.
<Path of cacerts file> is the path of Truststore.
For example,
Code Block language css theme Midnight keytool -import -trustcacerts -file shared/truststore/ssl-certs.cer -alias adeptia -keystore shared/truststore/cacerts
You'll be prompted to enter a password. Enter the default password changeit.
- Run the exit command to exit from the pod shell.
- Restart all the Microservices to bring the changes into effect.