1 | Put Block Blob (Create Block Blob - v4.1.6) | The Create Block operation creates a new block to be committed as part of a blob. | Update Block Blob - v4.1.6 |
2 | Create Page Blob | The Put Page Blob operation creates a new Page Blob. |
3 | Put Append Blob | The Put Append Blob operation append a blob. |
4 | Set Blob Properties | The Set Blob Properties operation sets system properties on the blob. |
5 | Set Blob Tags | The Set Blob Tags operation sets user-defined tags for the specified blob as one or more key-value pairs. |
6 | Set Blob Metadata | The Set Blob Metadata operation sets user-defined metadata for the specified blob as one or more name-value pairs |
7 | Set Blob Snapshot | The Snapshot Blob operation creates a read-only snapshot of a blob. |
8 | Delete Blob | The Delete Blob operation marks the specified blob or snapshot for deletion. The blob is later deleted during garbage collection. |
9 | Undelete Blob | The Undelete Blob operation restores the contents and metadata of a soft deleted blob and any associated soft deleted snapshots. |
10 | Update Page Blob | The Update Page Blob operation writes a range of pages to an existing Page Blob. |