Variable Name | Possible values | Example | Description |
SAML_SSO_IDPS_CONFIGURATION_0_METADATA_LOCATION | Complete path of the IdP metadata file including its name. | file:///shared/subfolder/IdP.xml | The IdP metadata file can lie in any folder in the PVC. |
classpath:<name of the IdP metadata file> | classpath:IdP.xml | The IdP metadata file must lie within any classpath folder, for example, ext. | |
Metadata URL. | https://ssocircle.com/metadata | metadata URL of the IdP server. |
Open the browser and type the below URL using IDP initiated SSO (for SSO Circle).
For Example, https://<IDP Server Host>/sso/idpssoinit?metaAlias=/publicidp&spEntityID=<value of SP entity Id>
spEntityID is the name that is specified in the metadata of your service provider.